Tag: ID

eEuropa Your Gate to Europe

Se la Protezione Ambientale UE non coincide con quella del Creato

In questo contributo dell’on. Vitaliano Gemelli, si esamina il voto risicato del Parlamento Europeo sulla proposta della Commissione Europea per il “ripristino della natura”. L’agricoltura europea si è opposta a questa nuova doccia fredda, ritenendo alcuni obiettivi irrealizzabili e ideologici. Il giá presidente della Commissione del Parlamento Europeo per le Petizioni evidenzia la necessità di […]

eEuropa Your Gate to Europe

European Parliament adopts the New EU Law on Restoration of Ecosystems

The disputed Regulation proposed by the EU Commission for the restoration of lost ecosystems in Europe has received majority approval. The regulation mandates that a minimum of 20% of land and sea surfaces be designated for ecosystem recovery. However, there is significant opposition from the agricultural sector in conflict with Brussels.​ Brussels, 12 July 2023 […]


Next EU Summit, Member State sanctions at the top of this EU week

During the next two days Plenary (​in Brussels and remotely), the European Parliament will vote on the EU Regulation on own resources, the financial resources given to the EU for its activities (programs, funds, grants, etc.). There are no longer corporate and CO2 trade taxes (ETS), given the difficulty of Member States to agree on […]